On your Facebook Ad Accounts you should NEVER use Paypal as your payment method. Use only credit or debit cards to pay your ad spend. Facebook is very sensitive to paypal, and they will be much more likely to ban your account if you use Paypal.
Also make sure that the credit card has the same billing info that you use in the ad account info or in the business manager info.
Always add your payment method in Business Manager and then assign it to your ad accounts from there, so don’t add your credit card directly to the ad account.
You need to add more people to your Business Manager and ad accounts, it will help you if you get restricted from advertising their will be other people who can access your BM, otherwise if it’s only you, and you get banned, it can completely lock you out from your Business Manager and you won’t be able to access it anymore.
So add as many people as you can, you can ask friends and family or someone who you trust in to help you out with this.
You also need to warm up your new ad accounts. It’s very important to go slowly, because if you start with a hundreds of dollars daily budget, it will make you look like a spammer or a BlackHat marketer in facebook’s eyes, and they will probably ban you.
The key is to don’t spend more than the billing threshold daily at the beginning. For example if your billing threshold is $25, then you should NOT spend more than that daily.
After you start spending, the billing threshold will increase every day until you reach $900, and after that you are safe to scale further.